This is point and click type new escape game for android from Escape Gamez. The story of this game is to escape four animals from the place where they were locked. Assume that some animals need your help to escape them from four different locations. Use your skills to find hidden clues and use them at appropriate places. Play escape games and have fun.</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">这是第一点,然后点击从逃亡的Android Gamez的新类型逃脱游戏。这个游戏的故事是从那里他们被锁的地方逃跑四只动物。假设有些动物需要你的帮助,从四个不同地点逃离他们。用你的技能,找到隐藏的线索,并利用它们在合适的地方。玩逃生游戏带来的无限乐趣。</div> <div class="show-more-end">